Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Career Choices

Long before becoming a Life Coach, I considered making fine arts or teaching my career. I taught for several years and enjoyed it but didn't feel that it was my life's work. I also pursued art, both commercial design and painting but these didn't sustain me. I finally realized that what I really loved doing was helping people make changes that would enhance their lives.
If you find yourself feeling unsure of your career or work, these are some helpful questions to ask yourself:
What do I want?
What are the benefits of changing my work path?
Do I have realisitic expectations?
Do I have the resources and support to make a change?
A Life Coach can help you make decisions as well as be instrumental in supporting actions that will make change possible. I will be talking about career choices on June 28 between 10:30 and 11:00 AM on WSYR TV Chanel 9- Bridge Street. If you can't tune in at that time, you can download the segment by going to the WSYR TV Channel 9 website and click on Bridge Street.
We will have more blogs on this topic in the future.